1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle 9 of 10 | Katy

This blog "1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle 9 of 10 | Katy" is about a puzzle I created from a photo that I took myself during a shoot with my friend Katy. The blog also includes some tips & tricks on how to complete a puzzle like a pro. So, keep reading till the end to know it all.

I took 10 of these photos myself and uploaded them to Shutterfly. I turned it all into a puzzle. I have also been making time-lapse videos of me assembling those puzzles, so if you are reading this for the first time, or if you just came across it, there are some more for YOU. You can check them out on my YouTube channel.

You can also check out this particular video "1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle 9 of 10 | Katy" by clicking on the link. It is another puzzle video from the puzzle series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Here's a brief overview of this puzzle:

  • As I already knew, this was going to be another challenging one as there was a lot of white backdrops on this so it becomes really difficult because everything looks the same.
  • In the beginning, as with the other white pieces, I planned to start with Katy pieces by assembling all of them together.
  • Then, I set aside all the border pieces and did all that part second
  • Finally, I filled in all the whites and added all the border pieces.
  • After I cleared all the plain white from the table, I put all the Katy pieces on it.
  • Finally, I chose the pieces that stayed together and all the others.
  • And as usual, putting that last piece together was so satisfying.

It took me about three to four days to complete this puzzle.

Here are some tips & tricks to finish a puzzle like a pro:

  • Always go with the strategy of Organize-attack-organize-attack: The time that goes into organizing a puzzle saves you a significant amount of time putting the pieces together.
  • Focus on the whole picture, not one piece: It might seem like the easiest place to start was your starting section, but you shouldn't get too attached to it. As it is difficult to complete a puzzle if we get sucked into one particular section. So, if you get stuck, move on and come back later.
  • Make sure the lighting is adequate (Don't use glass tables): Yes, good lighting will enhance the ink's texture, making it easier to determine the piece's correct orientation. You might not notice this in all cases, but if you look at a puzzle piece, you'll probably see the ink flowing in one direction.

Take it easy, it's just a puzzle!

Some puzzles may take you hours to solve, but as the pieces and picture complexity increase, some may take you days, weeks, or even months to complete.

So, the next time you feel frustrated with the time it takes to complete a puzzle, remember that every correct piece pairing is a victory. No matter how long it takes, each of those small victories will make the final piece even sweeter.

Stay tuned and Puzzle on Puzzlers!

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